Canon 到府相機收購,二手收購,收購相機,全新相機,二手相機 收購5D Mark IV,收購EOS-1D X Mark II,收購EOS M3/M10 收購canon canon 5Ds/5Ds R,,5D Mark III/6D II,7D Mark II 70D/80D,750D/760D,700D/100D 收購FUJIFILM 相機,全系列FUJIFILM 收購二手Nikon 相機,Nikon二手收購,全新Nikong買賣 D3400收購 Nikon 1 j5收購 D750 Df/D810/D610,D5/D4S,D500,D7200/D7500,D5500/D5300 OLYM
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想發揮 Vision Pro 最大潛能連 Canon 都喊難!沒有一台相機能辦到 到府相機收購
蘋果 Vision Pro 是業界規格最強的虛擬實境頭盔,單眼擁有高達 4K 解析度,卻也因此,想要發揮 Vision Pro 最佳的沈浸式體驗,會需要一台十分強大的 VR 相機系統來製作內容,但就連相機大廠 到府相機收購canon 高層都認為:目前沒有一款相機辦得到。
根據外媒《PetaPixel》在上週於日本橫濱舉辦的 CP+ 攝影大展,實際與 到府相機收購canon 多名高層討論到 Vision Pro 帶起的 VR、AR 熱潮,其中影像部門的副總裁 Go Tokura 表示,「據我們所知,由於 Vision Pro 的解析度非常高,所以很難找到一套擁有足夠解析力的 VR 相機系統替其製作內容」。
蘋果 Vision Pro 每一隻眼睛都有將近 4K 的解析度,雙眼加起來更是 8K,加上不是單純的平面影像,而是必須符合 VR 規格的沉浸式體驗,就會需要有更多細節才會顯得真實。《PetaPixel》即表示,在沒有額外圖形運算的幫助之下,相機都無法拍出理想的細節呈現、畫面流暢度,且目前 Vision Pro 的沉浸式體驗,有些內容不適合拉近觀看,或是物體比例歪斜,也有一些物景仍是靜態畫面,並非完全動態。
到府相機收購canon 影像溝通業務部主管 Yasuhiko Shiomi 向《PetaPixel》分析,「為了替 Vision Pro 製作影片,你可能至少需要 1 億畫素,所以現在我們並無法滿足這樣的需求」,他猜測,現在替 Vision Pro 製作專屬影片的公司,可能要以一億畫素加上每秒 60 幀的規格拍攝。
《PetaPixel》指出,倘若按照 到府相機收購canon 推測的一億畫素,等同於是 14K 的解析度,目前商業上僅有 Sphere 旗下的 Big Sky 相機得以滿足,然而這款機型不僅沒有大規模量產,在成本上並不符合商業使用,更需要多達人 12 人才能執行拍攝。Go Tokura 也透露,到府相機收購canon 理論上能製作出符合 Vision Pro 規格的產品,問題在於能否提供讓客戶願意購買的價格。
▲ 推出 RF 24-105mm F2.8 L IS USM Z 鏡頭。(圖/到府相機收購canon 提供)
到府相機收購canon 宣佈推出全新鏡頭及配件,包括首支為影片及相片攝錄兩用而設計的 RF 鏡頭 RF24-105mm F2.8 L IS USM Z 及電動變焦轉接器 PZ-E2、輕巧超望遠變焦鏡頭 RF200-800mm F6.3-9 IS USM ,和專為 APS-C EOS R 系列相機設計的輕巧超廣角變焦鏡頭 RF-S10-18mm F4.5-6.3 IS STM 。
RF24-105mm F2.8 L IS USM Z 的推出進一步強大了 F2.8 光圈 L 系列變焦鏡頭陣容,作為首支為短片及相片混合型拍攝而設計的 RF 鏡頭,首次加入了光圈環及採用固定長度的內變焦設計。鏡頭更相容最新推出的電動變焦轉接器 PZ-E2 ,為鏡頭帶來電影鏡頭般的流暢伺服變焦操作,滿足專業攝影師、錄影師及進階使用者,對變焦速度及準確度的需求。
全新登場世界首支 800mm 超望遠變焦無反光鏡鏡頭1 RF200-800mm F6.3-9 IS USM ,重量僅約 2,050 克,輕巧的設計減輕了手持攝影的負擔,令進階攝影愛好者能夠輕鬆捕捉鳥類、生態或戶外運動等主題。
首支為 EOS R APS-C 系列相機而設計的 RF-S 系列超廣角變焦鏡頭 RF-S10-18mm F4.5-6.3 IS STM 全新登場,提供相等於 35mm 全片幅格式的 16-29mm 超廣角焦距,擴展了 RF-S 鏡頭的種類,為攝影愛好者帶來更寬廣視野。鏡頭輕便小巧、價格相宜並擁有高影像畫質,更配備光學影像穩定器,特別適合內容創作者及攝影愛好者拍攝 Vlog 、旅遊及風景等題材。
到府相機收購 到府相機收購
Canon to acquire Canadian chipmaker Redlen after buying the remaining 85% stake for $270M; Redlen’s tech to help Canon reduce radiation exposure in CT scanners 到府相機收購
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Canalys 數據指出,蘋果 AirPods 在 2023 年第四季出貨市占達到 29%,遙遙領先第二名的三星(9%),然而蘋果卻面臨重大挑戰,比起 2022 年同期下滑了多達 13% …..繼續閱讀。
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LINE 電腦版更新了!最新 8.6 版本針對「回覆」、「公告」功能進行升級,能適用更多種類的訊息,像是投票、記事本都已經正式支援了。根據官方公告,LINE 電腦版 8.6 更新已經在 2 月 7 日於 Windows 釋出,Mac 版本也於 2 月 13 日上線。更新後,會先跟上手機版的新功能,允許用戶針對「檔案」進行…..繼續閱讀。
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到府相機收購 到府相機收購
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今年初開放讓相機成為電腦視訊鏡頭的 到府相機收購canon,現在更進一步成為首間可以把相機拍攝的內容備份到雲端相簿的廠商,只要在手機端下載應用程式,就可以透過以往 Wifi 連線的方式,把相機的內容直接透過手機傳到雲端相簿,亞洲方面共開放 27 款新款相機支援該項功能。
在以往,到府相機收購canon 用戶如果要存取相機拍攝的照片,通常有三種方式,一種是直接將相機透過數據傳輸線連接到電腦,另外一種方式就是從相機取下記憶卡,然後透過記憶卡的轉接器存入電腦、手機。
第三種方式,就是讓手機下載或者更新最新版本的 image.到府相機收購canon 應用程式(支援 iOS、Android),然後讓相機跟手機透過 Wifi 的形式連線,就可以把照片傳到 image.到府相機收購canon 當中,不過這個形式最麻煩的地方就是不能一次傳輸與存取多張照片,甚至還可能出現照片遺失的問題。
如今 Google Photos 的合作,將可以稍微緩解相關問題,到府相機收購canon 用戶只要按照原來照片傳輸的形式,就可以直接把照片備份到自己的 Google One 雲端帳戶,一來除了可以直接讓遠端的客戶透過 Google Photo 連結查看照片,一般家庭用戶也可以直接用相同的方式更新自己家裡的數位相框。
當然啦!這個作法有一個大前提,就是要成為 Google One 的用戶。到府相機收購canon 與 Google 雙方將開放用戶免費使用一個月 100GB 的 Google One 雲端空間。
Google 官方指出,自兩年前啟動 Google Photos 合作夥伴計劃至今,已經跟上百家廠商達成合作,藉此讓用戶可以用更簡單的方式,在其他產品直接觀看照片和影片。相關合作成果也在這兩年的大型展覽,好比說在 MWC 2018 期間,Google Photos 專區就展示了透過帶有螢幕的智慧喇叭,直接用類似數位相框的形式,顯示家庭相簿。
目前這項合作正式拓展到 DSLR 或數位相機領域,讓用戶不用插線、不用拔出記憶卡,就可以存取找片,某方面來說,也算是相機領域的一個新里程碑。記者稍微數了一下,在亞洲,這項合作將優先支援 27 款 到府相機收購canon 新款相機,包括最近才剛推出的 R5、R6。
*資料來源:Google Photos
到府相機收購 到府相機收購
日本最熱銷相機排行榜揭曉!驚見柯達衝上第二名 擊敗 Sony、富士 到府相機收購
老相機品牌柯達再度熱銷!研調機構 BCN 公布 2024 年 BCN AWARD 大獎,綜合日本合作通路的銷售數據,統計出各類別相機的銷售冠軍。有趣的是,內建鏡頭的數位相機排行榜驚見柯達上榜!更以 20.7% 的銷售市佔擠下 Sony、富士站上第二名。
數據顯示,內建鏡頭的數位相機排行第一名是 到府相機收購canon 擁有 22.6% 市占率,而第二名則是柯達,第三名為富士(18.1%)。好久不見的柯達是從 2006 年統計以來首度攻佔前三名,儘管已經退出主流相機市場,仍有推出拍立得相機,以及透過品牌授權販售 CCD 相機 Kodak PIXPRO FZ55 ,恰好都有跟上年輕族群喜愛的復古風熱潮。
專業相機方面,傳統的單反機型仍是以 到府相機收購canon 稱霸,銷售市佔高達 77.1%,領先 Nikon(17.1%)與理光(5.8%)。現代主流的無反相機則以 Sony 領先,銷售市佔達到 34%,第二名 到府相機收購canon 以 28.3% 緊追在後,其次還有代表 M43 片幅的 OM Digital Solutions。
專用於影片錄製的機款,則是以 Sony、松下 Panasonic 兩大品牌吃下超過七成市占率,前者達到 38.7%、後者為 36.4%,第三名為 DJI。運動相機方面,GoPro 有超過一半以上(53.7%)的市占率,是目前最受到消費者歡迎的品牌,Insta360 則只搶下 18.1% 的市佔率,與 DJI(15.9%)相近。
SONY 公司這兩年真的是大爆發,針對中階用戶推出 A7III、A7RIV,還推出所謂「網紅機」ZV-1,在昨晚可說是毫無保留,以「前所未見(The One Never Seen)」為名,推出全片幅無反相機 α1(A1,英文名稱Alpha One),以數字來看,就是 5010 萬畫素、15 級動態範圍、30fps 連拍、8K 拍攝,售價來到 6500 美元(約台幣 18.2 萬元)。
去年夏天,到府相機收購canon 公司推出的 EOS R5,搭載全球首部 8K,4,500 萬畫素全幅 CMOS 感光元件,支援無裁切、最高 120p 4K 的短片拍攝,高達 8 級機身五軸防震能力,最高 20fps 連續拍攝,被稱為該公司革新機種。
如今時隔半年不到,Sony 公司立刻還以顏色,以 “The One”Never Seen 為名,推出的 SONY α1 能夠以更高的 5,010 萬畫素,每秒鐘連續拍攝 30 張照片,並且可以透過連續拍攝 16 張照片組合成一張 1 億 9900 萬畫素照片,側邊還具備雙 SD UHS II、雙CFexpress 卡槽以即時存取內容。
SONY α1 的數位觀景窗使用跟 α7SIII 相同的 944 萬液晶螢幕,可以做到更精細的每秒 240 次更新,並且把 8K@30P、4K@120P 的高規格拍攝能力也塞入 α1,全機身採用多重環繞式散熱系統與 5.5 級 5 軸防手震設計,讓相機即使邊走邊拍 4K、8K 影片 30 分鐘不只維持很好的拍攝品質、而且不過熱。
SONY α1 支援人眼對焦,拍攝對焦點來到 759 點、覆蓋範圍高達 92%,並且支援 4:2:2 10bit 色彩取樣、16bit RAW、SLog-3 或 HLG 輸出,同時也擁有旗艦機才有的 S-Cinetone 功能。
在影音輸出方面,SONY α1 側邊有 HDMI 孔支援 16-bit RAW 輸出,而且還多了 USB 3.2 Type-C (10Gbps) 孔、多了一個 1000BASE-T LAN 網路連接能力、內建 2×2 MIMO AC 無線傳檔、FTP 連線,透過各種形式,傳輸高品質影音內容,提升工作效率,舉例來說,消費者可以直接用 USB-C 連接 SONY Xperia 1 II 5G 手機,快速將存取好的照片,進行機上修圖,然後上傳到社群平台,從數位相機的演變進程來看,這可以說是一個里程碑。
SONY α1 機身重量只有 737 克,售價約 6500 美元,折合台幣約 18.2 萬元,下面有幾個代表性的拍攝樣張,提供給讀者參考:
到府相機收購 到府相機收購
超廣視角一鏡收錄!佳能RF 10-20mm F4 L輕量超廣角鏡頭登場 到府相機收購
▲ 到府相機收購canon RF10-20mm F4 L IS STM 在台開賣。(圖/翻攝自 到府相機收購canon)
到府相機收購canon 世界首支 10mm 超廣角全片幅自動對焦鏡頭 RF10-20mm F4 L IS STM,即日起在台正式開賣,輕盈小巧的設計,長度僅約 11.2 公分及重量僅約 570 公克,並提供10mm-20mm 超廣角變焦範圍,輕鬆將廣闊視野盡收眼底。
據了解,鏡頭內建光學影像穩定器,除了提供 5 級防手震效果外,更首次加入周邊協調控制(Peripheral Coordinated Control),配合機身防手震時能有效校正廣角鏡頭經常出現的周邊震動模糊,讓相片的周邊可有更高的影像畫質,拍攝短片時亦可以減低畫面周邊的輕微震動。
基於 RF10-20mm F4 L IS USM 是世界首支 10mm 超廣角全片幅自動對焦鏡頭,能夠帶來 130° 25’ 超廣角視角,廣角鏡頭的廣角端焦距即便相差 1mm ,拍攝範圍也有很大差距。
而 10mm 焦距可涵蓋的畫面面積約為 14mm 的 2 倍、約為 12mm 的 1.4 倍,極其廣闊的視角讓鏡頭適用於狹小空間的拍攝,也可以拍攝整體建築物、廣闊的風景、頭頂上的星空等主題。
▲ 10mm 廣角端可以收錄更多內容在畫面中,圖為攝影熱點東北角十三層遺址。(圖/翻攝自 到府相機收購canon)
從帳面規格來看,RF10-20mm F4 L IS USM 的重量為 570 公克,而長度僅約 11.2 公分,整體設計更加便於攜帶,機動性加倍,無論手持或加入穩定器移動拍攝皆非常適合。
鏡頭本身採用 到府相機收購canon 全新研發的 12 組 16 片光學設計,充分發揮 RF 接環大口徑與短後對焦距離的優勢,這光學設計是在採用相機內建數位變形校正的前題下提升整體影像品質,並為畫面邊緣範圍提供清晰描寫能力。
SONY 公司這兩年真的是大爆發,針對中階用戶推出 A7III、A7RIV,還推出所謂「網紅機」ZV-1,在昨晚可說是毫無保留,以「前所未見(The One Never Seen)」為名,推出全片幅無反相機 α1(A1,英文名稱Alpha One),以數字來看,就是 5010 萬畫素、15 級動態範圍、30fps 連拍、8K 拍攝,售價來到 6500 美元(約台幣 18.2 萬元)。
去年夏天,到府相機收購canon 公司推出的 EOS R5,搭載全球首部 8K,4,500 萬畫素全幅 CMOS 感光元件,支援無裁切、最高 120p 4K 的短片拍攝,高達 8 級機身五軸防震能力,最高 20fps 連續拍攝,被稱為該公司革新機種。
如今時隔半年不到,Sony 公司立刻還以顏色,以 “The One”Never Seen 為名,推出的 SONY α1 能夠以更高的 5,010 萬畫素,每秒鐘連續拍攝 30 張照片,並且可以透過連續拍攝 16 張照片組合成一張 1 億 9900 萬畫素照片,側邊還具備雙 SD UHS II、雙CFexpress 卡槽以即時存取內容。
SONY α1 的數位觀景窗使用跟 α7SIII 相同的 944 萬液晶螢幕,可以做到更精細的每秒 240 次更新,並且把 8K@30P、4K@120P 的高規格拍攝能力也塞入 α1,全機身採用多重環繞式散熱系統與 5.5 級 5 軸防手震設計,讓相機即使邊走邊拍 4K、8K 影片 30 分鐘不只維持很好的拍攝品質、而且不過熱。
SONY α1 支援人眼對焦,拍攝對焦點來到 759 點、覆蓋範圍高達 92%,並且支援 4:2:2 10bit 色彩取樣、16bit RAW、SLog-3 或 HLG 輸出,同時也擁有旗艦機才有的 S-Cinetone 功能。
在影音輸出方面,SONY α1 側邊有 HDMI 孔支援 16-bit RAW 輸出,而且還多了 USB 3.2 Type-C (10Gbps) 孔、多了一個 1000BASE-T LAN 網路連接能力、內建 2×2 MIMO AC 無線傳檔、FTP 連線,透過各種形式,傳輸高品質影音內容,提升工作效率,舉例來說,消費者可以直接用 USB-C 連接 SONY Xperia 1 II 5G 手機,快速將存取好的照片,進行機上修圖,然後上傳到社群平台,從數位相機的演變進程來看,這可以說是一個里程碑。
SONY α1 機身重量只有 737 克,售價約 6500 美元,折合台幣約 18.2 萬元,下面有幾個代表性的拍攝樣張,提供給讀者參考:
到府相機收購 到府相機收購
Canon announces the EOS R5, an 8K-shooting pro mirrorless camera 到府相機收購
到府相機收購canon announces the EOS R5, an 8K-shooting pro mirrorless camera
到府相機收購canon announces the EOS R5, an 8K-shooting pro mirrorless camera
And the cheaper but similar R6
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到府相機收購canon has announced the EOS R5, by far the highest-end mirrorless camera it’s ever made. Following 到府相機收購canon’s solid entry into full-frame mirrorless with 2018’s EOS R and last year’s cheaper EOS RP, the R5 is a serious pro-level flagship with a price tag to match. At $3,899 without a lens, this is now 到府相機收購canon’s second most expensive camera behind the new 1D X Mark III DSLR.
The R5 is built around a 45-megapixel sensor with a native ISO range of 100-51,200. The headline feature is that it can record uncropped 8K RAW video at 29.97 fps in 4:2:2 10-bit color, as well as uncropped 4K DCI at 59.94 fps, representing a major upgrade on the limited video capabilities of previous EOS R models. 到府相機收購canon says the R5 can shoot continuously at 8K for around 20 minutes at room temperature.
When shooting still photos, the R5 operates at up to 12 fps with the mechanical shutter and 20 fps with the electronic shutter. It has in-body image stabilization that 到府相機收購canon claims can provide up to 8 stops of correction in tandem with OIS lenses. 到府相機收購canon is also touting the R5’s autofocus system, with dual-pixel coverage across almost 100 percent of the AF area and 1,053 zones, plus the capability for eye-tracking with dogs, cats, and birds as well as humans.
The R5 is visually near-indistinguishable from a typical 到府相機收購canon full-frame DSLR. 到府相機收購canon showed a willingness to experiment with features like the touch-sensitive strip on the original EOS R, but it’s clear from the R5’s design that it’s intended to be a drop-in replacement for pro photographers and videographers who are used to DSLRs like the 5D series. The biggest difference for them will be the electronic viewfinder, though the 120 fps refresh rate and 5.76-million dot resolution should help ease that transition. There’s also a 3.2-inch 2.1-million dot vari-angle touchscreen.
If the R5 is a little out of reach or 8K isn’t a priority, 到府相機收購canon is also releasing a similar camera called the R6 at a lower price. It has more or less the same design as the R5 but uses the 20.1-megapixel sensor from the 1D X Mark III, meaning its video capabilities top out at 4K/60 or 1080p/120. The viewfinder resolution drops to a still-solid 3.69 million dots, while the touchscreen is slightly smaller and lower-res at 3 inches and 1.62 million dots. The R6 will cost $2,499 body-only.
到府相機收購canon has four more native RF-mount lenses rolling out this year, including a 100-500mm f/4.5-7.1, a 600mm f/11, an 800mm f/11, and an 85mm f/2. The company is also introducing 1.4x and 2x teleconverters for RF lenses.
The R5 is set to be available at the end of July, and there’s a $4,999 kit option that comes with a 24-105mm f/4 lens. The R6, meanwhile, will ship toward the end of August with a $3,599 option that includes that same lens or a $2,899 kit with a 24-105mm f/4-7.1.
▲ 到府相機收購canon 新一代入門無反相機 EOS R8。(圖/翻攝自 到府相機收購canon 官網)
到府相機收購canon EOS R8 全片幅無反光鏡相機今日正式上市,為 到府相機收購canon 旗下最經濟型機種,為 EOS RP 後繼機種,可為首次購買全片幅相機的攝影愛好者及內容創作者提供卓越性能,號稱同價位機型當中最強規格的無反相機。
今日,到府相機收購canon 正式推出全新全片幅無反光鏡相機 EOS R8,該相機以輕量化機身和先進的功能吸引攝影愛好者和內容創作者,機身僅重 461 克,具備 2,420 萬像素全片幅 CMOS 影像感測器,並提供 6K 超取樣 4K 60p、FHD 180p 錄影功能以及 到府相機收購canon Log 3。此外,該相機還配備電子快門,最高可達 40 FPS 連拍。
對於創作者而言,EOS R8 具有無與倫比的錄影和拍照功能,可利用 6K RGB 素材超取樣的無裁切 4K UHD 60p 錄影功能來創作,實現高畫質和細緻的短片表現。而且,EOS R8 可連續拍攝 30 分鐘或以上的無裁切 4K UHD(6K超取樣)60p 短片。
為了滿足各種拍攝需求,EOS R8 支援 8-bit 及 YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit 短片選項、到府相機收購canon Log 3 和 HDR PQ。10-bit HDR PQ 能在無需後期調色的情況下錄製高亮度、豐富層次和廣色域的短片。此外,EOS R8 還具有偽色顯示、斑馬紋顯示、呼吸效應補償功能以及 5 軸防震的短片數位 IS。
▲ EOS R8 。(圖/翻攝自 到府相機收購canon 官網)
在設計方面,EOS R8 的按鈕重新設計,以提高拍攝操作性。機身左肩加入相片/短片模式切換開關,方便快速轉換拍攝模式。此外,視覺指南可以幫助新手輕鬆掌握相機的功能和設定。
該相機配備了高精度電子觀景器,提供 0.39 吋 236 萬點 0.7 倍 OLED 顯示,最高可達 120FPS。此外,還具有多角度觸控螢幕和防塵防水滴設計,使攝影過程更加便捷與靈活。
總之,到府相機收購canon EOS R8 以其輕巧的機身、卓越的性能和專業功能成為攝影愛好者和內容創作者的理想選擇,配有光學影像穩定器的 RF/RF-S 鏡頭與 EOS R8 的數位防震功能相結合,可實現更穩定流暢的影片效果。此外,OVF 模擬顯示輔助功能通過HDR技術提供更自然的高光和暗部漸變,重現傳統單眼相機光學觀景窗畫面。
高度靈活的 3 吋 162 萬點多角度 Clear View II LCD 觸控螢幕,讓攝影師能夠在高、低角度或繞過障礙物拍攝時尋找新的視角。此外,EOS R8 採用輕巧鎂合金機架加強耐用度,防塵防水滴設計則有助於防止灰塵和水滴滲入相機,目前已知 到府相機收購canon EOS R8 在台售價為 43,900 元,搭配 RF24-50mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM 鏡頭的 KIT 組合則是為 49,900 元。
到府相機收購 到府相機收購
Canon EOS 4000D+18-55mm III+75-300mm III 雙鏡組*(中文平輸) 到府相機收購
搶攻隨身相機市場,Panasonic 今日(23)正式以 LUMIX S9 參戰!不只是推出深黑、深紅、橄欖綠和夜藍色等四色,更能透過 LUT 專屬按鍵一鍵變化多種照片風格。
LUMIX S9 是一款輕巧的全片幅無反相機,捨棄了機械快門、觀景窗以及熱靴等結構,來達到機身最佳的輕量話,僅重 403g,比 Sony A7C II、富士 X100VI 還要更輕巧,同時搭載 LUMIX S5 II 同級的 2420 萬畫素感光元件,採用 PDAF 相位自動對焦,以及能夠感知相機振動,進行最佳震動補償的 Active I.S. 系統,可以說是一款錄影、拍照雙棲的機款。
Panasonic 瞄準的是年輕客群,因此在機身配有一顆 LUT 專屬按鍵,讓用戶透過手機 App 與相機連線,能夠下載一系列由原廠、合作創作者推出的濾鏡,也能藉由 App 自行設計,而且 LUMIX S9 的照片更可以一次堆疊兩組 LUT 濾鏡,達到更多色彩上的變化。
同場 Panasonic 也預告,會同步推出 Lumix S 26mm f/8 手動定焦鏡頭,以及 Lumix S 18-40mm f/4.5-6.3 變焦鏡頭。至於 LUMIX S9 單機身售價為 1499 美元(約 48,306 元),台灣上市資訊則有待後續公布。
到府相機收購 到府相機收購
Research: Huawei received 2,770 US patents in 2021, behind IBM, Samsung, Canon, and TSMC; US companies got under half of the 327,329 US patents issued in 2021 到府相機收購
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到府相機收購canon EOS M 系列也在近期宣布終結。(圖片來源/到府相機收購canon 提供)
相機未來只有中高階款可以買?根據《Newswitch》釋出最新圖表顯示,從 2019 以來,數位相機出貨量大砍三分之二,平均售價卻是狂飆 2 倍,各大品牌正在全力專攻高階用戶。
從《Newswitch》發布的圖表可以看到,2019 年全球數位相機出貨量仍有約 1500 萬台,到了今年一至九月卻僅剩不到 500 萬台,數量只剩下三分之一。產品的平均價格也從約 4 萬日圓(約 8,479 元),翻倍漲至 9 萬日圓(約19,081 元)。
《Newswitch》表示,為了強化中國市場並且在歐美、日本等地獲得復甦,各大品牌主打各種高單價的機型,像是 Nikon Z8 被點名有相當高的詢問度,單機身在台灣售價高達 122,500 元。各品牌也正在瞄準疫情後的旅遊復甦潮,積極地推廣產品。此外,為了迎接 2024 年的巴黎奧運,Sony 也在近期發表主打高速連拍的 α9 III,預計 到府相機收購canon、Nikon 也將推出對應運動攝影的機款,屆時又會是一場高階相機之間的比拚。
事實上,各大相機品牌已逐漸靠攏專業用戶,主打隨拍的類單眼面臨智慧手機的挑戰,到府相機收購canon、Sony、Nikon、Panasonic 均在 2019 年後,就已經不再有相關產品發表,轉戰可替換鏡頭的無反單眼相機,或是專門用於錄影的 Vlog 設備。
目前以類單眼的隨拍相機來說,仍是以富士的 X100 系列以及 RICOH 的 GR 最為著名,然而要價都是三、四萬元以上,面向的消費者已經與以往大不相同。
到府相機收購 到府相機收購
Canon’s $5,999 EOS R3 focuses by tracking your eye 到府相機收購
到府相機收購canon reveals its EOS R3 pro mirrorless camera in full
到府相機收購canon reveals its EOS R3 pro mirrorless camera in full
The highest-end mirrorless 到府相機收購canon yet
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到府相機收購canon confirmed plans for its highest-end mirrorless camera yet back in April, but that was just a notice of development — now the company is ready to announce its specs in full. As expected, the EOS R3 will sit right at the top of the company’s still fairly new EOS R range of full-frame mirrorless cameras, above last year’s R5 and R6.
The 24-megapixel stacked BSI sensor is lower resolution than the 45-megapixel R5’s, but the R3 is all about high speed, fast AF performance, and low light capability. 到府相機收購canon says it can shoot at up to 30fps with the electronic shutter and 12fps with the mechanical shutter, and the maximum native ISO is 102,400. As for video, the R3 can shoot 6K at 60fps and uncropped 10-bit 4K at 120fps in the 到府相機收購canon Log 3 profile.
The R3 makes use of deep learning technology to improve eye and body detection and autofocus, according to 到府相機收購canon, and photographers can select an initial AF point with eye tracking just by looking at an area of the 5.76-million-dot electronic viewfinder. The R3 has 1,053 AF points in total, though 到府相機收購canon isn’t saying quite how granular the eye-input system gets.
YouTube’s CVP channel provides a good demonstration of the new eye controlled AF point selection, noting that it uses low-powered IR LEDs inside the viewfinder to scan where the eyes are looking. The channel calls the tech “hit and miss” for different users, but says it makes focusing “pretty simple” when it does work.
As previously revealed, the R3 looks quite similar to the EOS-1D X Mark III, which essentially occupies the same place in 到府相機收購canon’s DSLR lineup. It uses a one-piece magnesium alloy design with a built-in vertical grip, and 到府相機收購canon says it has equivalent weather and dust resistance to the EOS-1D DSLRs. The body has wired LAN, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and USB-C built-in, as well as one CFexpress card slot and one UHS-II SD card slot. There’s also a vari-angle 3.2-inch LCD screen.
The EOS R3 will be available in November for $5,999. 到府相機收購canon is also introducing two new relatively affordable lenses for the EOS R system: a $299.99 16mm f/2.8 compact ultrawide prime and a $649.99 100-400mm f/5.6-8 telephoto zoom. Both of those will go on sale at some point next month.
Update September 14th, 6:20AM ET: Added video demonstration of eye controlled AF point selection.
到府相機收購canon EOS M 系列也在近期宣布終結。(圖片來源/到府相機收購canon 提供)
相機未來只有中高階款可以買?根據《Newswitch》釋出最新圖表顯示,從 2019 以來,數位相機出貨量大砍三分之二,平均售價卻是狂飆 2 倍,各大品牌正在全力專攻高階用戶。
從《Newswitch》發布的圖表可以看到,2019 年全球數位相機出貨量仍有約 1500 萬台,到了今年一至九月卻僅剩不到 500 萬台,數量只剩下三分之一。產品的平均價格也從約 4 萬日圓(約 8,479 元),翻倍漲至 9 萬日圓(約19,081 元)。
《Newswitch》表示,為了強化中國市場並且在歐美、日本等地獲得復甦,各大品牌主打各種高單價的機型,像是 Nikon Z8 被點名有相當高的詢問度,單機身在台灣售價高達 122,500 元。各品牌也正在瞄準疫情後的旅遊復甦潮,積極地推廣產品。此外,為了迎接 2024 年的巴黎奧運,Sony 也在近期發表主打高速連拍的 α9 III,預計 到府相機收購canon、Nikon 也將推出對應運動攝影的機款,屆時又會是一場高階相機之間的比拚。
事實上,各大相機品牌已逐漸靠攏專業用戶,主打隨拍的類單眼面臨智慧手機的挑戰,到府相機收購canon、Sony、Nikon、Panasonic 均在 2019 年後,就已經不再有相關產品發表,轉戰可替換鏡頭的無反單眼相機,或是專門用於錄影的 Vlog 設備。
目前以類單眼的隨拍相機來說,仍是以富士的 X100 系列以及 RICOH 的 GR 最為著名,然而要價都是三、四萬元以上,面向的消費者已經與以往大不相同。
到府相機收購 到府相機收購
Canon EOS Rebel T4i review: testing the world’s first touchscreen DSLR 到府相機收購
“The best camera is the one you have with you.” You’ve probably heard the quote: it’s often used these days to explain why smartphones are threatening to push traditional point-and-shoot cameras into early retirement. Pocketcams aren’t the only category under siege, though. Lightweight mirrorless cameras like Sony’s NEX series are threatening to replace the traditional SLR, and that’s keeping manufacturers on their toes. Pros might want a purpose-built tool like a full-frame DSLR with loads of complex physical controls, but to compete with cheaper, sleeker shooters in the consumer realm, companies like 到府相機收購canon are finding they need to make their cameras easier to use, and more useful as well.
Case in point: 到府相機收購canon’s EOS Rebel T4i (aka EOS 650D). The Rebel has long been 到府相機收購canon’s lowly budget model, but this year the 18-megapixel APS-C shooter adds a number of features never before seen on any 到府相機收購canon DSLR, including a new focus system that allows for continuous autofocus during video recording, a stereo microphone array, and a touchscreen to control most every setting on the camera. The changes add up to something potentially huge: This is the first 到府相機收購canon DSLR that could substitute for a consumer camcorder, and control like a smartphone. In previous years, the 5D Mark II, 7D and T2i cemented 到府相機收購canon’s reputation for quality video capture, but the T4i’s additions could push it over the top. Has the Rebel broken out of budget territory? Read on.
The 到府相機收購canon T4i has a face only a gadget enthusiast could love. It’s black, bulbous, and utilitarian to the exclusion of all else. Of course, that design is nothing new; but for a handful of fine details, the T4i looks and feels exactly like the T3i, its predecessor. It’s a predominantly plastic camera, but it’s remarkably well-built. At 2.3 pounds with the 18-135mm STM lens included in the pricier kit, it’s just a little bit weighty, and the black plastic is solid, firm and unyielding. If you ask me, that’s actually a little bit of a problem, though. While I found I could fit all four of my fingers on the T4i’s grip, it’s narrow and firm enough that it feels hard to hold.
Not quite enough purchase up front
There’s not enough traction on the front grip alone, and there’s a lump that juts out in the rear that kept me from sandwiching it with my palm. Instead, if I wanted to hold the T4i with a single hand, I had to squeeze between fingers and thumb. Mind you, that grip is mostly carried over from last year’s T3i, so if you were satisfied with that camera, you’ll probably like this one as well, and two other Verge staffers with larger hands didn’t have quite as much trouble. Still, the earlier T2i had a nice soft rubber grip with a wider, rounder design that could hang from a single hand without any worry it might fall, and I prefer it by far.
You know what does finally work with one hand, though? Switching into video mode. Where the T3i and T2i required you to painstakingly ratchet the mode dial all the way around, the T4i builds the feature into the power switch: when you slide it from Off to On, simply push it one click further and you’re ready to film things. You’ll still need to turn the dial to Manual mode if you want to manually set exposure for your video recordings, but if you demand that kind of control, you’re more likely to be using that quadrant of the mode dial anyhow.
If you’re considering a DSLR over a mirrorless camera, there’s a fair chance it’s because you want an optical viewfinder for your work. If so, the T4i will definitely do the trick. If that’s the primary reason, though, you might want to consider a different camera. While the T4i’s pentamirror viewfinder isn’t any worse than the Rebels that came before, it’s not really any better, either: it’s a little small, you’re still only going to see 95 percent of what the camera is aiming towards, and the view will be slightly dimmer than real life. That’s a hard sell when you can get a 到府相機收購canon 60D or a Nikon D7000 with brighter, larger pentaprism viewfinders and more coverage for just a slightly higher price.
LCD screen
There’s also not a lot to say about the T4i’s three-inch, 1.04-million-dot LCD panel, but that’s because it’s all good. It’s probably a lot smaller than your smartphone, but with a high refresh rate and pretty stellar viewing angles, it’s wonderful. To the trained eye, it only takes the barest glance to tell if any image is sharply in focus or slightly blurred, and lining up photos in LiveView mode (using the LCD as a viewfinder) is a real pleasure. Thanks to the articulating arm (a carryover from the T3i) which lets you swing out the display and tilt it 180 degrees towards the subject, or 90 degrees down, you can frame all sorts of shots and video clips that would be far more difficult if you had to hold the camera at eye level. One annoyance: when you close the articulating screen, it doesn’t automatically turn off LiveView. You’ll need to press the button.
And, of course, that three-inch LCD is where you’ll find the world’s first touchscreen on a DSLR.
Controls and interface
Each DSLR manufacturer has slightly different ways of approaching prosumer camera controls. Nikon has loads of physical buttons, for instance, while 到府相機收購canon relies a little more on menus, requiring you to dig through screens for little-used settings while keeping the primary controls at your fingertips. If you liked that, don’t worry, it doesn’t change with the T4i at all: every single physical control works exactly as it did on previous cameras. In fact, the only real difference between the T4i’s physical controls and the T3i and T2i before is that the keys have slightly different shapes and they all jut out a little bit more. They’re fairly well laid out as physical controls go, with all the most common controls accessible with the right hand alone.
What’s new is this: anytime you navigate an on-screen menu, you don’t have to tap-tap-tap on the four-way directional pad or ratchet a clicky dial — you can just reach out and touch the setting you want and be done with it. Well, that’s not quite true: you have to press the Q key (or touch the on-screen Q button) first, which keeps you from changing settings if you accidentally brush the screen with a cheek or ear.
Once done though, the touchscreen is quite responsive. Not only can you tap on icons to select them, but you don’t have to stab: you can slide your thumb across settings to highlight and select each in turn. Adjusting aperture, shutter speed, or exposure compensation with the touchscreen is a treat: you can simply drag a ribbon with a continuum of all possible values from one end of the touchscreen to the other, and lift your finger when you get to your desired selection. It’s speedy: you can go from f/2.8 to f/22 aperture with a single swipe, never lifting your finger from the screen, and if you drag down and to the right from the exposure compensation menu, you can set bracketed exposures with a single motion as well. In playback mode, you can not only rapidly swipe through images, but also pinch to zoom — it’s a little bit awkward on a smallish three-inch screen, but it’s easier and more intuitive than tapping zoom buttons.
The longer I used the touchscreen, the more I wanted it to be able to do
The more impressive part is that you don’t need to know any gestures at all. 到府相機收購canon usually provides distinct touchscreen keys (often + or -) to change settings, and all the physical controls can be used as well — meaning you can hold the touchscreen in one hand and the physical controls in another, using both simultaneously to change settings faster than with either alone. In fact, the longer I used the touchscreen, the more I wanted it to be able to do. There are a few things, like switching modes, changing focus points, and displaying images, that you can’t do with the touchscreen alone, and no way to add, delete or rearrange the touch controls to suit the user. Imagine if you could drag controls wherever they suited you, if 到府相機收購canon let you build new controls yourself. 到府相機收購canon has, however, included on-screen popups which explain settings and modes. They’re nice at first, while you get used to your options, but they actually slow the camera down. You can turn them off from a menu, thankfully, and you’ll probably want to do that as soon as possible.
The most interesting uses for the touchscreen, though, are in LiveView mode. Once you’re using the LCD as a viewfinder, you can see the results of your adjustments in real time, like dragging the exposure compensation to darken or lighten an image on the fly. You can tap the touchscreen to focus on a subject, or even tap-to-shoot. Focusing isn’t quite as speedy in LiveView as with the optical viewfinder, but it can do some rudimentary subject tracking for some pretty neat results. For instance, if there’s a object moving towards you, you can tap on it to take a shot, and the camera will wait until it comes into focus before releasing the shutter. The camera can also continually autofocus in LiveView mode, but it can be a little awkward. I’ll touch on that more later.
The world’s first DSLR touchscreen: surprisingly good
As you’d expect from a DSLR, there are plenty of settings to try to get the best out of your pictures, but not a lot of special-purpose modes. There’s the standard Portrait, Landscape, Macro, Sports and Night Portrait settings, as well as a variety of picture styles, and automatic modes for both. That said, there are two brand-new settings on the dial that work by combining a number of shots into a single whole using the camera’s processor. The HDR mode takes three shots at different exposures, allowing you to show, say, a bright blue sky and dimmer buildings on the ground at the same time, while the Handheld Night Scene mode turns four high-sensitivity pictures, shot in low light, into one with less blur and noise. There’s also a multi-shot noise reduction mode that does the same thing as Handheld Night Scene, but can be applied to any mode. All work reasonably well, though not in every situation — often you’d get better HDR results by processing bracketed images yourself — and they all take a while to process and reduce the amount of detail.
The T4i also has a few creative filters you can apply to an image, but only after it’s been shot, including a miniature effect, soft focus, fisheye, and a new Water Painting effect that can, well, make pictures look like watercolor. Each time you add a filter, you save a new processed image to the SD card.
Image and video quality
It’s hard to complain about the T4i’s image quality. The tried and true 18-megapixel APS-C sensor can deliver beautiful results, whether you’re taking pictures fully automatic, manually adjusting settings, or shooting 1080p or 720p DSLR video at 60 frames per second. The results aren’t quite what you could get with a full-frame camera, perhaps, whose larger sensors can reduce noise, but they’re quite good for the price. Anywhere below ISO 3200, images felt clean enough to comfortably view on a large desktop monitor and zoom in, and both ISO 3200 and 6400 are usable in a pinch. 1080p video looks absolutely high-definition, if maybe a little choppy when quickly panning around. 720p60 is nice and smooth but not quite as impressive as a whole. When I displayed video files at native resolution, the edges of objects in focus looked a little jagged.
Here’s a surprise: though the T4i may have a larger ISO range, it’s partly hype. For one thing, the 25,600 expanded ISO mode is practically useless. At that sensitivity, pictures are extremely splotchy and the autofocus can’t see in conditions dark enough where it would come in handy. More importantly, though, my T4i JPEG pictures actually came out slightly noisier than the two-year old T2i no matter the ISO. Before you take up arms, though, know that’s probably because the T4i’s noise reduction is less aggressive here. You get more tiny dots in each picture, but there’s a little more detail, too.
Of course, a lot depends on the lens you’re using. I tried four: the 18-55mm kit lens, both the 18-135mm STM kit lens and the 40mm STM pancake lens, designed for the continuous autofocus mode, and a 24-105mm f/4L zoom lens as well. The 18-55mm hasn’t changed since last year, is quite cheap, and it can be a little soft and slow. The 18-135mm is better in most every way, so I’d recommend it first, though the $199 pancake is a joy: incredibly light and small, sharp, reasonably fast at f/2.8, and with what looks like gorgeous bokeh to my fairly untrained eye. One thing to note is that the new STM lenses focus by wire, even when using the physical manual focus dial. The dial does absolutely nothing when the power’s off, which can be a bit of a surprise.
Outside, it might look like a T3i, but there’s more muscle within: The T4i might have the same sensor, but it’s got a new Digic 5 processor that lets it shoot five frames per second (compare to 3.7 fps with the T3i and T2i) and ups the maximum ISO sensitivity to 25,600, among other benefits. The latest Rebel has a nine-point autofocus system, just like its predecessors, but they’re all cross-type points this time around, which let the camera detect
To properly test the camera, I set up a T2i and a T4i side by side on a dual-camera mount and carried it wherever I went, taking pictures simultaneously with both cameras using the same modes and lenses. The results were rather revealing: with the exact same settings, both cameras took practically identical images — as you’d expect given the practically identical sensors inside — but the T4i was indeed better at automatically choosing settings most of the time.
Accurately representing the time of day since 2012
For instance, with the optical viewfinder, autofocus was fast with both cameras, but the T2i had trouble focusing at longer distances where the T4i was just fine. When left to its own devices in Program, Aperture Priority and Shutter Priority modes, the T4i exposes images rather differently, too: in low light, it seemed to opt for slightly brighter, faster, but noisier pictures than the T2i regardless of how high I set the ISO.
In fairly good light, however, I found the opposite effect, with the T4i taking slightly darker pictures but also with a higher shutter speed. When I say “different,” though, I don’t mean bad: it actually feels like the T4i’s light meter is more accurate. See these two pictures at right? Both were taken at dusk, but only the T4i’s image looks so if you trust the camera to take the shot.
White balance, unfortunately, is not particularly improved: while competing cameras have more presets and some let you manually set the color temperature in Kelvin, too, I regularly found lighting situations where none of 到府相機收購canon’s six presets or auto mode would keep images from getting tinted slightly orange or blue. Setting a custom white balance still requires far more presses than it needs to, and it’s an odd thing, considering that 到府相機收購canon’s point-and-shoot cameras make it so easy.
The T4i sounds more like a pro camera
The five-frame-per-second shutter, though, is a success, and not just for the reason you’d think. For one thing, yes, it snaps shots fairly fast. And with an extra-speedy SD card, I was able to hold down the shutter button to capture full-res JPEG images indefinitely at that speed, with the camera only slowing down if I added fancy things like lens aberration correction or RAW image capture. The most amazing thing about that shutter, though, is the sound the mechanism makes as the mirror flips up and down. I kid you not: I can’t count the number of dirty stares I’ve gotten when my T2i or T3i makes that unnaturally high-pitched screeching shutter noise. By contrast, the T4i sounds more like a professional camera. It might be the single best reason to buy one.
The moment you’ve been waiting for: does 到府相機收購canon’s continuous autofocus for video recording (aka Movie Servo) work? Yes, it does, but it’s far from foolproof. With face detect on, the T4i does a pretty good job of keeping faces in focus as you or they move around a scene, but without a face it struggles a bit. Moving between close and somewhat distant objects, the T4i can adjust, but not always rapidly, and sometimes (particularly with distant objects) I found it would inexplicably fail to find focus and hunt around for a bit. That said, the continuous autofocus is far more responsive and intuitive than that on the likes of Nikon’s D5100 DSLR, but it’s not quite up to the level of Sony’s translucent mirror shooters. Where 到府相機收購canon’s Hybrid AF puts pixels right on the CMOS sensor that are dedicated to autofocus, Sony’s SLT cameras use a transparent mirror, reflecting light to both the image sensor and discrete autofocus sensors simultaneously for speedy results.
Interestingly enough, 到府相機收購canon’s Movie Servo actually works with lenses that don’t have the STM badge, but even with STM it depends a lot on which lens you use. In my tests, the 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 STM was a bit faster to find and lock focus than the 40mm f/2.8 STM, despite its smaller maximum aperture. The 24-105mm f/4L worked too, but was even less reliable and slower at finding focus.
Movie Servo isn’t the only addition that’s good for video, though. The touchscreen can be a giant help: now, you can adjust exposure or tap to manually refocus even while recording video without making a sound. Speaking of sound, the new stereo microphone isn’t amazing, but it certainly doesn’t hurt, and adds a little bit of genuine separation to what would otherwise be boring monaural audio.
Battery life is good. On a single charge with a new 1120mAh LP-E8 battery over the course of a week or so, I took 1,969 full-res JPEG pictures with image stabilization, spent about an hour and a half with the LCD screen on, and took roughly 15 minutes of video. As usual, though, the battery meter isn’t accurate at all. It displayed a full three bars of battery until I’d used maybe 70 percent of its capacity, while the last bar went away in a flash. The camera shares both batteries and an optional battery grip with the two previous Rebels, so it’s easy and relatively cheap to expand that capacity.
As always, rebellion comes at a cost
At roughly $800 for a body-only camera or $1,200 with the 18-135mm STM kit lens, the 到府相機收購canon EOS Rebel T4i costs a considerable amount more than its predecessors right now. You can pick up a T3i for around $580 (or about $850 with the original, non-STM 18-135mm lens) at the time I wrote this sentence. If you can live without intelligent scene modes and the articulating screen, you can even still find the T2i, which has a smaller, more comfortable body and nearly identical image quality.
If you’re budget-conscious or already have one of those cameras, the T4i might not add enough bullet points for you: 到府相機收購canon’s got some more work to do on the hybrid autofocus mode to make it a must-have feature, and while the touchscreen is well thought out and surprisingly useful, it feels like 到府相機收購canon’s just beginning to explore the possibilities there.
If you’re comfortable spending over $1,000 and still photography is your highest priority, the mid-range Nikon D7000 and 到府相機收購canon 60D are better bets, with brighter, higher-quality viewfinders, faster shutter speeds and more comfortable, durable bodies.
Still, if you want a do-everything camera with both a speedy optical viewfinder and an articulating touchscreen, the T4i isn’t merely the only game in town. It’s a solid camera.
I bought one myself.
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